Fun Quiz night - 4th December
Winners - Edwin's Stars |
Lichens and Mosses - Sat 17th Feb
Naturalist Phil Budd led a guided walk looking for Lichens and mosses that can be found within the heathland habitat.
Fun Quiz night - 6th December
Winners - Edwin's Stars (pictured Robin, Sarah and Zena)
Here there be Dragonflies - 16th July
Andrew Brown from Dorset Dragonflies led a walk to see some of the many resident species of dragonflies and damselflies
Some of the species spotted -
Fungal Foray - 24th October
Spider Hunt - 11th September
Insect Ramble - 31st July
This butterfly is a Silver-Studded Blue which is specific to Heathland habitats. It has a very interesting relationship with ants on heathland - The ants take the caterpillars underground to their nests and protect the caterpillars from predators and parasites, in return they get to feed on a sugary substance that the caterpillars produce.
These caterpillars were very popular with some of our younger attendees! One is a sawfly caterpillar that makes a loop and another as yet unidentified species.
Photos taken on the ramble by Sarah Davis, Seasonal Landscape & Countryside Officer, Community & Open Spaces
It's a Wonderful night for a Moondance - 19th June
On the FSCH walk we saw and heard 2-3 birds. (Unfortunately fireworks were let off that night!) The photo shows the white markings of the male bird on both the wing tips and tail edges. It is estimated that there are 12 pairs on the wider site, all of which nest on the ground and are very vulnerable to disturbance.
These images are from last week, taken on another BCP heathland site in Poole, where ringing and radio tagging of birds took place (under a special licence), to better understand how they utilise all the local spaces.